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Health tips for a clean, detoxified liver

Liver removes any toxins from the body, assists in the assimilation of the food by producing bile which breaks down fat and also modulates glucose, blood pressure and insulin etc. It also participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
To have a healthy body one must have a healthy liver. A damaged liver might be very detrimental to the overall health of the body putting it at major risk of getting into serious illnesses. Foods that ensure a healthy liver should be consumed. Tips which improve liver health are listed down below:

Maintain your weight

Maintain your weight such that it is not a cause of strain on your liver. Regular exercise, brisk walking might help you control your weight. Keep away from fatty diets, which are high in starch and carbohydrates this might put burden on your liver and it might have difficulty breaking down the fats. Keep a check on what goes in your stomach, anything which is processed, fatty and oily will have an adverse effect on your liver.

Consume Fresh Food

Try to take fresh food. Avoid stacking up any processed foods which contain preservatives, these might put your liver at risk which in turn puts your overall health at stake. Don’t consume artificial sweeteners, colorings and flavorings.

Avoid cigarettes, sheesha and caffeine

If you smoke quit it right away, it risks your liver to develop cancer thereby damaging your health forever. Moreover, quit consuming sheesha. The liver no longer remains able enough to remove the toxins from blood, if you consume 3-4 cups of coffee every day.

Drink green tea

Green tea is rich in catechins, a type of plant antioxidant that boosts liver function and helps reduce fat storage in the liver.

Increase your garlic intake

Garlic has sulfur-containing compounds which activate liver enzymes that work to flush out any toxins that might be in your system. It also contains allicin and selenium, two nutrients which aid in the detoxification process.

Add turmeric to your diet

Turmeric boosts the liver’s ability to produce bile, a key part of the liver-cleansing process. It has also been known to help regenerate damaged liver cells.

Increase lemon intake

Drink lemon juice in water or green tea once a day. Lemon juice stimulates the liver's bile production to help flush out toxins. It also prevents the formation of gallstones and promotes digestion and liver function in the movement of gastric juices.

Liver is directly related to your digestive system. Liver plays a major role in your metabolism activity. Keeping your liver cleansed in order to be healthy.
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Homeopathic Cure your Sexual Disorder

Sexual diseases are experienced sexual in both male and females, from her dryness of vagina to his erectile disorder, less libido in any one. Still, there are procedures to cure sexual issues. Sexual result due to various reasons, it’s not limited a single factor like erectile residue No desire towards sex, commonly known has Low in libido. Some Sexual problem includes pain, unable to manage an erection, or Facing other difficulties in sex. Though there are several reasons for vanished libido and sexual problems in couples, there are also multiple techniques to high libido and cure all the sex issues once noticed.
Sexual diseases in women are a result of various disorders: sexual pain, less wish towards sex miseries, stimulation problems, and orgasm complexities. Hormone level imbalances, medical state and other elements can help to improve libido factor and other kinds of women and men sexual dysfunction.
Vaginal dryness can result in decreasing libido and issue with arousal and wishes, and sex can be miserable with the improper lubrication of vagina. This organ dryness is due to hormonal imbalances that may be a result of menopause, breastfeeding and other Psychic issues, like less interest about sex. And a painful intercourse decreases the wish of sex in women. Low libido can be other factor, due to the reduction hormone estrogen. Fatigue, moody, and less attracted can be some reasons.
Complexity in acquiring orgasm. Orgasm dysfunctions, such as late response from orgasm or unable to produce may result in disorder, unadvised medication plays a vital role in sexual issues. Ache during sex. This sometimes from a known one, such as endometriosis. But sometimes the reason for pain sex is unknown. One can experience a burning sensation apart from pain.
Erectile dysfunction this is due to medical imbalances, such as diabetes or hypertension, or by excitement about sex. Depression, tiredness, and pressure can also contribute to erectile disorders. Ejaculation issues that includes pre ejaculation and the ineffective in ejaculating. Factors involve history of sexual trauma, and religious beliefs, vanished libido. Psychological issues like pressure and moody, less interest in sex will lead to a disorder. Decreased hormone stability, illness and consuming unwanted medicines.
Sexual disorders can be easily treated by homeopathic medicines and treatments. Homeopathy involves natural process to cure all the diseases. This approach improves the blood circulation and increases the desire of having sex.
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Remedies for Dark Lips

1. Lemon

Lemon is often used to treat dark skin patches and spots, and you can use it to naturally lighten dark lips, too. The bleaching property in lemon works well as a simple yet powerful remedy for dark lips.
  • Squeeze a lemon and apply the juice on your lips before going to bed. Follow this simple remedy daily for one to two months.
  • Take a thin slice of lemon, sprinkle a bit of sugar on top and rub it on your lips. It will exfoliate dead cells so new, fresh skin can appear. Use this remedy daily for a few weeks.
  • Alternatively, you can prepare a mixture of one-half teaspoon each of lemon juice, glycerin and honey. Apply it on your lips before going to bed. Do this daily until you see positive results.

2. Rose

Rose has three main medicinal properties: soothing, cooling, and moisturizing. Rose will also help add a natural pink tint to your dark lips.
  • Mix one drop of rose water with a few drops of honey and apply it on your lips. Do this three or four times a day.
  • Mix one tablespoon of rose petal paste and one teaspoon of butter, honey, or milk cream. Apply it on your lips and gently scrub. Follow this remedy two times a week.
  • Soak a few rose petals in raw milk for one hour, and then grind the mixture to make a paste. Add one-half teaspoon of honey and a pinch of saffron to it. Apply the paste on your lips and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Do this two times a day.

3. Olive Oil

Olive oil can also be used to make your lips lively and vibrant. Olive oil contains many essential nutrients to nurture your lips and its moisturizing property will make them soft and beautiful.
  • Apply a few drops of extra virgin olive oil on your lips and massage it gently. Do this daily before going to bed.
  • Alternatively, mix one-half teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of extra virgin olive oil. Scrub your lips gently with this mixture once a week. This simple recipe will restore your natural lip color and shine within a month or two.

4. Sugar

Exfoliating your lips regularly will remove dead skin cells that can make them look dark and dull.Sugar works as a great exfoliating agent.
  • Blend three tablespoons of granulated sugar and two tablespoons of butter to make a thick paste. Scrub your lips gently with the paste. Do this once a week to restore your natural lip color and shine.
  • You can also make a scrub by mixing one teaspoon of granulated sugar, one teaspoon of honey, and one-half teaspoon of almond oil. Use it to scrub your lips once a week.
  • Alternatively, you can simply mix some sugar with cold cream and use it to scrub your lips gently before going to bed. Do this once a week.

5. Beetroot

Another readily available ingredient that can help you get pink lips is beetroot. Beetroot has natural bleaching properties that can lighten dark lips.
  • Apply fresh beetroot juice on your lips before going to bed. Wash it off the next morning. The natural red color of the juice will turn your dark lips rosy. Do this daily before going to bed.
  • You can mix equal amounts of beetroot juice and carrot juice and apply it on your lips. Massage gently and leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Do this once daily for a week or two.

6. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is ideal for treating dark lips. It can nourish and moisturize dry and dehydrated lips as well as help restore their natural pink color.
  • Mix together one tablespoon of crushed pomegranate seeds and a little milk cream and rose water. Apply this paste on your lips and gently scrub for a few minutes.Wash it off with lukewarm water. Do this once daily.
  • Mix equal amounts of pomegranate juice, beetroot juice and carrot juice. Apply it on your dark lips once daily
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Strawberries contain enormous amounts of vitamin C, more than citrusy fruits like oranges or grapefruits. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which helps build and repairs the body’s tissues, boosts immunity, and fights the accumulation of free radicals, which damage other cells and cause pre-mature aging. Vitamin C in strawberries can also help with good eye health.


Ginger, or adrak, has an aromatic and pungent taste. However, if you eat ginger in slices, you will benefit greatly. Not only can it enhance the flavoring of dishes, i.e. Nihari, but it is an all-natural remedy, especially if you have an upset stomach and if you feel nauseas. The next time you feel like you might vomit, try some ginger tea. Boil water, put some ginger in it and leave it for a few minutes so that the ginger juices get absorbed with the hot water.


This purple-reddish vegetable is packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can help fight disease and strengthen your organs. The purple color is due to betalains, which are the pigments found in beets, or chukandar. Studies have suggested that these betalains are what helps prevent cancer and other degenerative diseases.


This fish is really great for your heart. It contains a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Salmon can also help protect skin from the sun and the damaging effects of the sun’s UV rays.


Apples contain fiber and are a low-calorie food source, which is great for a mid-afternoon snack. It will digest slowly, keeping you feeling satisfied. And if you increase your apple consumption, you will have a reduced risk of any cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, and diabetes.


Cranberries come out in the fall season, and are the freshest between September-November. They have great health benefits and fight many bacteria that cause diseases. Cranberries help fight inflammation, reduce the risk of heart disease, improve oral health, help prevent ulcers and yeast infections, help fight urinary tract infections, and may even inhibit the growth of some human cancer cells.


While cauliflower, or phool gobi, contain many vitamins and minerals, they greatest benefit comes from glucosinolates. These are phytochemical compounds which help fight cancer, specifically damage to the lungs and stomach by carcinogens. Cauliflower may also help prevent other cancers such as of the breast, uterine, and cervical.


Garlic, or lassan, might leave your breath with a strong smell, however, garlic can enhance the flavors of foods greatly, but more than that, garlic has been used for a very long time as a natural medicinal food. Garlic can help treat high blood pressure and heart disease as well as certain types of cancer. 


Lentil, or daal, is high in protein, iron and other essential nutrients. Iron helps fight anemia, which is a condition that decreases the number of red blood cells in the body. Protein is essential for repairing of muscles and tissues. Daal is also low on the glycemic index, which means that your blood sugar levels won’t go through the roof if you eat a bowl of daal. It is pretty easy to prepare also, so there’s no reason to have it as a substitute for meat at dinner time.


Leek, or if you like the term hari pyaaz, have great anti-cancer benefits. They contain organosulphur compounds, which are nutrients that help fight off cancer as well as boost your immunity. Studies have also suggested that leeks could help protect the digestive system from such cancers as stomach and gastric.


Avocados are great heart-healthy superfoods. They contain vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin E, andmonounsaturated fat, all of which help to promote good health of your heart and lower “bad” cholesterol while increasing “good” cholesterol. Avocados are great if you are diabetic, as they regulate blood sugar levels, and also great for skin health.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes, or shakar kand, are a delicious and nutritious substitute to regular potatoes. They have great amounts of vitamin A, calcium and potassium.  Next time you go shopping, pick up some sweet potatoes and bake them as an extra portion for your meal. 
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Ginger is one of the world’s oldest and most popular medicinal spices. It is known to greatly aid in digestion and assimilation and is widely regarded to help prevent colds, flu, motion sickness, and vertigo. Ginger can also help to alleviate menstrual cramps, nausea, heart burn, migraines, sore throats, exhaustion, fatigue, and constipation and it is great in providing relief from the stomach flu and food poisoning. Ginger also contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols and is a powerful painkiller which makes it especially beneficial for those who suffer with joint, muscle, and nerve pain. Ginger has incredible immune-boosting and germ fighting abilities and has even been shown to help provide protection and relief from E.coli, Staph infections, and Candida albicans. In ancient times, ginger was highly regarded as a spiritual cleanser and used before and during holy days as a way to awaken and purify the body, mind, and spirit. Fresh ginger is one of the most potent ways to receive its health benefits. Try making a liter of ginger water or tea everyday by adding freshly grated ginger in water and let steep for 10-20 minutes. Adding some raw honey and fresh squeezed lemon juice will enhance its flavor and add to its protective and healing properties. Fresh ginger is also excellent juiced with apples and celery for an energizing and immune boosting drink. Using fresh ginger in any of your cooking or preparing of food will also provide healing benefits and should be added whenever possible. If you find fresh ginger too strong for your liking, then try using ginger in powder, capsule, tea, or tincture form that can be found online or in your local health food store.
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