Ginger is one of the world’s oldest and most popular medicinal spices. It is known to greatly aid in digestion and assimilation and is widely regarded to help prevent colds, flu, motion sickness, and vertigo. Ginger can also help to alleviate menstrual cramps, nausea, heart burn, migraines, sore throats, exhaustion, fatigue, and constipation and it is great in providing relief from the stomach flu and food poisoning. Ginger also contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds called gingerols and is a powerful painkiller which makes it especially beneficial for those who suffer with joint, muscle, and nerve pain. Ginger has incredible immune-boosting and germ fighting abilities and has even been shown to help provide protection and relief from E.coli, Staph infections, and Candida albicans. In ancient times, ginger was highly regarded as a spiritual cleanser and used before and during holy days as a way to awaken and purify the body, mind, and spirit. Fresh ginger is one of the most potent ways to receive its health benefits. Try making a liter of ginger water or tea everyday by adding freshly grated ginger in water and let steep for 10-20 minutes. Adding some raw honey and fresh squeezed lemon juice will enhance its flavor and add to its protective and healing properties. Fresh ginger is also excellent juiced with apples and celery for an energizing and immune boosting drink. Using fresh ginger in any of your cooking or preparing of food will also provide healing benefits and should be added whenever possible. If you find fresh ginger too strong for your liking, then try using ginger in powder, capsule, tea, or tincture form that can be found online or in your local health food store.


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